Thursday, February 6, 2014

DIY "Zen" Play Dough

I don't know about your kids, but mine are all into their electronic devices - iPod, DS, PS3, etc. - and sometimes I want them to just turn off all things electronic and experience some of the simple things in

life. Things like board games, hide-and-seek, and other no-batteries-or-electicity-needed activities.  Last week, I saw a post online about making your own play dough and scenting it using essential oils...BINGO!  Why didn't I think of that before?!?  I asked Chloe if she'd like to help me make some play dough, and she was all over it.  She helped me pour and stir the ingredients, and even chose what color she wanted it to be.

After some tweaking (I added a bit too much water, so had to add more flour to get the right consistency) we ended up with some lavender colored, Zen scented play dough.  Chloe immediately gathered her new play kitchen items that she got for Christmas and went to town.  She played with it quietly non-stop for at least an hour, probably longer.  She made cookies, pizza, ice cream...everything she could dream up, she made.  And as she played with it, the whole room filled with the wonderful, relaxing scent of Zen.  I can't think of a better thing we could've done that afternoon.  We turned all electronics off, she used her imagination, and we were both relaxed the entire time she played.  You don't get that playing video games!

In case you're wondering how to make your own, here's the recipe...

Zen Play Dough 
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1/2 T vegetable oil (I used olive oil)
1/2 cup water
A few drops your choice food coloring
A few drops of Zen (or your choice essential oil/blend)

Add first four ingredients together in a bowl and mix well.  Add food coloring and essential oil/blend until you reach your desired result.  With essential oils, a little goes a long way.

I mixed mine until it all stuck together not to the bowl.  Kind of like regular dough, if it's too sticky, add a bit of flour and mix until you get your desired consistency.

I store mine in an empty mason jar.  You could also store it in a plastic tub if you want.  I chose glass because essential oil products are best stored in glass containers.

Have you ever made your own play dough?  I'd love to hear about it!

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