Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The "Sparked Mama" Story

The name "Sparked Mama" originally came from my love of the AdvoCare energy drink, Spark.  I was first introduced to it around 2009 by a good friend of mine.  Having immediately felt the results (and loving them!) I started ordering it when I could.  I eventually signed up as a distributor - mostly for the
product discount, but also so that I could share AdvoCare with people who could benefit from it.  Spark really helps on those days when I'm really dragging and need quick, lasting, healthy energy to keep me going. 

I've also done the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge.  It's a great way to either lose those last few pounds or jump-start your weight-loss journey.  It's like my good friend once told me, quick diet fixes only work for the short term.  Long-term results require a lifestyle change.  Check out my AdvoCare page for more information about the products, and let me know if you have any questions.  I'll do my best to post product information, testimonials, videos, etc. on there so that you have the information you need.

Over the last couple years or so, I've gained an interest in doing things more naturally and saving money at the same time.  Whether it be cleaning my home or doing my laundry, I knew there was a better (read: healthier for me and my family AND cheaper) way to do things.

What really piqued my interest was a MOPS meeting where the mom leading the group brought in a book called The Naturally Clean Home - 150 Super-Easy Herbal Formulas for Green Cleaning.  I think we even all went home with our own pint of semi-homemade dishwasher detergent after that meeting. I was very curious about the book, but it was put "on the back burner" at that point.

I came across several websites and blogs that talked about making your own dishwasher and laundry detergent and decided I'd like to give laundry detergent a try.  After reading a ton of recipes, blog posts, reviews, etc., I finally settled on a recipe and tweaked it to make it my own.  A good friend of mine came over one day and we both made up a batch.  What I ended up with works very well, and I'm happy to say that I'll probably never buy commercial laundry detergent again.  My recipe is a slightly modified version of the Duggars' liquid detergent recipe - I use Ivory instead of using Fels Naptha.  And now that I'm dabbling in using essential oils, I add several drops of various EOs (essential oils) to the liquid before it gels.

A few months later, we moved and I finally bought my own copy of the book that started it all - after I checked it out at the library and looked over it again to be sure it was what I wanted.  Then I slowly started purchasing and using essential oils.  Over time, I ended up with a small bottle of each one listed in the book.  I started using them, but didn't really understand a whole lot about the essential oils except that they smelled good and were healthy alternatives to store-bought chemical cleaners.

Somewhere along the way, I started reading some new blogs about DIY and essential oils.  That's when my mind was officially blown.  I had NO IDEA that you could take essential oils internally and that they would actually work!  I didn't try anything just yet, but bookmarked a bunch of posts to refer to later.

I finally caved and mixed up some DIY L.L.P. (lemon, lavender, peppermint) using the individual oils that I had to help with some seasonal sniffles.  I downed a few drops of the blend in a shot of water.  It took my congestion away the moment I set my cup down.  I. WAS. IMMEDIATELY. HOOKED!!!  No more OTC congestion meds for me - nope.  I've since moved on to mixing up other essential oil blends, making herbal salves, and am hoping to start making my own herbal medicine soon.

I'm never without a supply of AdvoCare Spark, and I'm a mom, so I thought that "Sparked Mama" was both appropriate and memorable.  It's also fitting that a really good brand of essential oils that I endorse is called Spark Naturals.  Go figure.

It's amazing what you'll learn when you take the time to stop and really pay attention and listen to what God is telling you.  This is true in reading the Bible as well as in life in general.  It's like what was one of the focal points in the lecture section of my Bible study last week, "Divine guidance is given to those with prepared hearts."

Am I perfect?  Far from it.  Do I struggle with things?  All the time.  Am I doing things the 100% all-natural, organic, non-GMO way?  Not yet, but I'm s-l-o-w-l-y getting there.  Sticking with something - anything, whether it's a diet, chores, etc. - requires a true lifestyle change.  I'm working on my own lifestyle change one second, minute, hour, and day at a time.

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